In nature, all forms of life grow and evolve seemingly without difficulty; they fit in and follow a great plan which assures balance and survival for all. Nature respects certain laws such as: take only what you need, nothing is wasted, everything gets recycled, all life flows according to changing and unpredictable conditions, beauty and harmony result from daily life.
Contrast this with our human world where we believe ourselves to be above the simple laws of nature: we compete and struggle, strive to get more, pollute the environment, put our selfish interests before the highest good. We stress planet Earth with our ever-increasing population without thought of how everyone will be provided for.
Each of us has a choice: either live as part of the crowd or live a balanced life modeled on nature. Nature is the embodiment of the Divine: energy in motion, peaceful in rest, respect and balance in action, abundant in generosity, There are many lessons to learn by simply observing nature.
Applying natural principles to our human world brings peace, harmony and order. Try thinking about the impact of your lifestyle on the planet, what legacy will you leave the next generation(s), what respect do you accord your neighbor, what are you running to... and from?
I believe we can all benefit from spending time in nature - away from the human world - even if only for a short time, and let her teach us wordless lessons from the silence of truth.
Contrast this with our human world where we believe ourselves to be above the simple laws of nature: we compete and struggle, strive to get more, pollute the environment, put our selfish interests before the highest good. We stress planet Earth with our ever-increasing population without thought of how everyone will be provided for.
Each of us has a choice: either live as part of the crowd or live a balanced life modeled on nature. Nature is the embodiment of the Divine: energy in motion, peaceful in rest, respect and balance in action, abundant in generosity, There are many lessons to learn by simply observing nature.
Applying natural principles to our human world brings peace, harmony and order. Try thinking about the impact of your lifestyle on the planet, what legacy will you leave the next generation(s), what respect do you accord your neighbor, what are you running to... and from?
I believe we can all benefit from spending time in nature - away from the human world - even if only for a short time, and let her teach us wordless lessons from the silence of truth.