Energetically speaking, the heart has one function: to give & receive love. When a heart is shut down by a heart-wall, it cannot perform its function. The owner of a walled heart cannot experience pure love until the wall is removed. As a result, emotions tend to be negative because the connection to love is not present. When the heart is freed, it instantly re-connects to love & the magic begins! The energy of the heart is a wonder - a new vision guides us, along with the strength to make great things happen.
The word "courage" comes from the French word for heart - "coeur". The heart provides the love which gives us courage - courage to create a better world where everyone can be appreciated & valued. The heart's job is actually very simple - to bring a loving outlook to every situation & experience. Love works to bring about the highest good, it wishes harm to no one.
December 21st, 2012 did not bring the end of the world but rather the end of an age, a 26,000 year cycle. We are witnessing the beginning of a new age where the consciousness of mankind awakens to love & integrity.
A great teacher 2000 years ago spoke of love - now are we ready to put that teaching into practice by freeing our hearts & letting love guide the way.
The word "courage" comes from the French word for heart - "coeur". The heart provides the love which gives us courage - courage to create a better world where everyone can be appreciated & valued. The heart's job is actually very simple - to bring a loving outlook to every situation & experience. Love works to bring about the highest good, it wishes harm to no one.
December 21st, 2012 did not bring the end of the world but rather the end of an age, a 26,000 year cycle. We are witnessing the beginning of a new age where the consciousness of mankind awakens to love & integrity.
A great teacher 2000 years ago spoke of love - now are we ready to put that teaching into practice by freeing our hearts & letting love guide the way.