Many years ago the most exciting form of entertainment was the circus. Circuses travelled across continents by train, stopping and setting up the big show. Special railcars were built to carry the whole circus: performers, equipment, supplies and animals. People at that time had no other means of seeing such a spectacle.
Exotic wild animals were a big part of the show, with the elephants naturally being the largest. Circus elephants were trained to perform tricks and obey their tiny human trainers.
In the wild, elephants are powerful, high-spirited and very protective of their young. How was it possible for these mighty giants to be turned into docile circus performers?
Leave it to man's ingenuity: first, healthy young elephants were isolated from their family group. Then a simple method was used to control and immobilize the young animals: a lead weight was routinely tethered to one of the elephants hind legs. The weight was always in place except for periods of exercise and training so the animal never moved unless a trainer was leading it.
As the young elephant grew, the weight did not need to be increased because the animal was psychologically conditioned to believe it could not move its hind leg. It moved only when the tether was removed and a command was given. And so a small weight could effectively immobilize a two ton elephant!
How many of us are similarly held back in our lives by limiting beliefs reinforced over the years? Old patterns persist in beliefs like: "I'm not good enough", "I've never done this before", "I don't have what it takes", "I don't deserve to succeed". If you are reading this, the chances are you have far more potential than you think; if you aspire to have a better life, why wouldn't have the ability to make it so?
If you are tired of being held back by your mental tether and want to create a greater life, I invite you to contact me for a no-obligation interview. All you have to lose is your tether.
Exotic wild animals were a big part of the show, with the elephants naturally being the largest. Circus elephants were trained to perform tricks and obey their tiny human trainers.
In the wild, elephants are powerful, high-spirited and very protective of their young. How was it possible for these mighty giants to be turned into docile circus performers?
Leave it to man's ingenuity: first, healthy young elephants were isolated from their family group. Then a simple method was used to control and immobilize the young animals: a lead weight was routinely tethered to one of the elephants hind legs. The weight was always in place except for periods of exercise and training so the animal never moved unless a trainer was leading it.
As the young elephant grew, the weight did not need to be increased because the animal was psychologically conditioned to believe it could not move its hind leg. It moved only when the tether was removed and a command was given. And so a small weight could effectively immobilize a two ton elephant!
How many of us are similarly held back in our lives by limiting beliefs reinforced over the years? Old patterns persist in beliefs like: "I'm not good enough", "I've never done this before", "I don't have what it takes", "I don't deserve to succeed". If you are reading this, the chances are you have far more potential than you think; if you aspire to have a better life, why wouldn't have the ability to make it so?
If you are tired of being held back by your mental tether and want to create a greater life, I invite you to contact me for a no-obligation interview. All you have to lose is your tether.